Hello my name is


I am a Freelance Artist/Front-end Developer based in the USA

clock app
World Clock App

Check what the time is not only in your area, but in the listed countries. I implemented moment_timezone and Javascript to give you the different timezone you see here. Hope you check it out and enjoy.

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Weather App

Do you want to know your 5 day forecast? What about in any city in the world? Just type a city in the search engine and see the results. This app was made with React and to get this information I utilized Shecodes Weather API and my own APIkey.

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weather app
Mermaid Page

Now this was the first webpage I ever created. It might not be responsive, but I find beauty in it's simplicity. It has significant amount of CSS, very little Javasript, and the information I used is linked to it's orginal source. It honestly made me want to learn more about coding.

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